A Strange Hen: A Farmer and his Strange Hen

The story of the “A Strange Hen” is a classic fable that teaches the lesson of greed and its consequences. 

A Strange Hen:  Greed Is A Curse | A Farmer and his Strange Hen

Once there lived a farmer in a town. He was very greedy. He had a strange hen. It laid one golden egg daily. The farmer was very happy. He sold the golden egg in the market and got handsome money. He became rich in a very short time. But he wanted to have more money.

He became impatient. He wanted to get all the golden eggs at once from strange hen. In his opinion, the stomach of the hen was full of golden eggs. So the foolish farmer killed the hen. But he was surprised to get only one golden egg. He repented over his folly. But it was useless crying over spilt milk.

Moral:  Greed is a Curse

The moral of the story is that greed is a curse and can lead to the loss of something valuable. It is unwise to be greedy and sacrifice long-term gains for short-term benefits.

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