Past Continuous Tense: Definition, Rules & Examples

Past Continuous Tense: Definition, Rules & Examples

Here we will define "Past Continuous Tense" Definition, Formula / Rules, Examples, Helping Verb, Exercises and worksheets.

The Past Continuous Tense describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and were still going on when another event occurred.

It is formed by combining the past tense of the verb "to be" ( was / were ) with the base of the main verb + ing. This tense is employed to represent actions that were happening at a specific point in the past or actions that were interrupted by another event. It can also be used to convey parallel actions, overlapping actions, or actions that were taking place at some point in the past.

The Past Continuous Tense is distinct from the Past Perfect Continuous Tense, where the action stops after an interruption, while in the past continuous tense, the action continues after the interruption.

Structure of a Sentence in the Past Continuous Tense

The Structure of a Sentence in the Past Continuous Tense follows a specific pattern. 

Positive Sentence: 

Subject + was / were + (base form -ing) + the rest of the sentence

Example: "He was traveling to Venice."

Negative Sentence: 

Subject + was / were + not + (base form (-ing) + the rest of the sentence

Example: "He was not traveling to Venice."

Question Sentence: 

Was / were + Subject + (base form-ing) + the rest of the sentence + ?

Example: "Was he traveling to Venice?"

Past Continuous Tense Formula / Rules:

We use Subject  (was/were) and the base of the main verb +ing an  d at last object.

Use of was and were in Sentences

We use was with (I,he,she,it or singular name). We use were with (we,you,they, or plural name)

Present Continuous Tense Examples

Affirmative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

  1. I was going to school.
  2. Aslam was sleeping.
  3. She was doing her sums.
  4. The cow was grazing.
  5. A thirsty crow was flying in the sky.
  6. They were playing a friendly match.

Negative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

  1. He was not going to school.
  2. The boys were not making a noise.
  3. She was not preparing food.
  4. They were not working hard.
  5. The girls were not playing with their dolls.
  6. He was not taking tea.

Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

  1. Was I going to school?
  2. Were they telling a lie?
  3. Was she preparing food?
  4. Was the dog barking at the beggar?
  5. Was she writing a letter to her father?
  6. Was he taking breakfast?

Interrogative & Negative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense

  1. Were we not digging well all together?
  2. Was the horse not running on the road?
  3. Were the buffaloes not swimming in the river?
  4. Was the mother not making her baby sleep?
  5. Was the cock not crowing?
  6. Was the smoke not coming out of the house?

Affirmative Sentences

Affirmative Sentences Structure is given below.

Past Continuous Tense Structure

Subject + was/were + (Verb1 + ing) + Object

Sentences of Past Continuous Tense

  1. Shmiya was helping her mother in the kitchen.
  2. He was eating a sweet apple.
  3. The gardener was plucking mangoes from the trees.
  4. Najma was plucking flowers.
  5. The gardener was trimming the branches.
  6. The father was mowing for the cow.
  7. The woodcutter was cutting wood.
  8. My father was sawing tree with the saw.
  9. The baby was suffering from fever yesterday.

Negative Sentences

Negative Sentences Structure is given below.

Past Continuous Tense Structure

Subject + was not /were not + (Verb1 + ing) + Object

  1. She was not helping her mother.
  2. The sparrows were not chirping in the night.
  3. Seema was not singing a song.
  4. Akbar was not reading this book.
  5. The painter was not coloring the picture.
  6. He was not paying attention to his lesson.
  7. The cattle were not grazing in the pasture.
  8. The spectators were not enjoying the game.

Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative Sentences Structure is given below.

Past Continuous Tense Structure

Was / Were + Subject + (Verb1 + ing) + Object?

Examples of Interrogative Sentences

  1. Were those people putting out the fire?
  2. Were they appearing in the examination?
  3. Where were you going yesterday?
  4. Were the girls plucking flowers?
  5. Was he going to school?
  6. Were they playing cricket?
  7. Was he learning the lesson?
  8. Was she singing a song?
  9. Why was he weeping?

Interrogative – Negative Sentences

Interrogative – Negative Sentences Structure is given below.

Past Continuous Tense Structure

Was / Were + Subject + not + (Verb1 + ing) + Object?

Examples of Interrogative – Negative Sentences

  1. Was Aqsa not making him write a letter?
  2. Was I not hearing him speak English?
  3. Was the teacher not asking the boys to open the books?
  4. Were they not looking me running?
  5. Was not going to Karachi by aeroplane?
  6. We were not going to museum.
  7. The well was not working.
  8. She was not shivering with cold.

Past Continuous Tense Definition, Rules & Examples
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