Parts of Speech: Definition, Types and Examples

Parts of Speech: Definition, Types with Examples

Parts of Speech are different kinds of words which help to make the sentences. There are 9 kinds of English words.

Noun Definition with Examples:

Noun is the name of person, place, thing, animal, Idea or feeling. i.e.
For Example: Aslam, Lahore, School, Girl, Man and Horse etc.

Read more: Noun: Definition, Kinds / Types with Examples

Pronoun Definition with Examples:

It is a word which is used in place of a noun (subject = as a doer) to avoid the repetition in the sentence.
For Example: I, You, We, She, He, It and They

Read more: Pronoun: Definition, Kinds /Types with Examples

Verb Definition with Examples:

Verb is a word which shows an action is called a verb.
For Example: Come, Read, Write, Cry, See and Work etc.

Read more: Verb Definition, Kinds / Types with Examples

Adjective Definition with Examples:

Adjective the word which describes something about a noun / pronoun is called adjective.
For Example:  Good, Bad, Long, Red, Pretty, Large, Punjabi

Read more: Adjective: Definition Kinds / Types with Examples

Adverb Definition with Examples:

Adverb it describe how, when, where an action is or was performed.
For Example:  Slowly, Kindly, Fastly, Happily, Rapidly, Early, Daily

Read more: Adverb Definition, Kinds / Types with Examples

Preposition Definition with Examples:

Preposition shows the position or relation between two or more nouns, pronoun or other words in a sentence.
For Example:  On, In, Under, Near, Over, Above, Between

Read more: Preposition Definition, Kinds / Types with Examples

Conjunction Definition with Examples:

Conjunction is a word used to connect clause, sentences or to coordinate words in some clause.
For Example: And, But, As, When, Since, Because, That

Read more: Conjunction Definition, Kinds / Types with Examples

Interjection Definition with Examples:

Interjection is used to express some sudden feelings are emotions.
For Example: Hurrah, Alas, Ah, Brave, Hello, Hey, Uh-huh

Read more: Interjection Definition, Kinds / Types with Examples

Article Definition with Examples:

Article it specifies whether the noun is definite or indefinite.
For Example: A, An, The

Read more: Article Kinds with Examples

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  1. Parts of Speech
  2. Noun: Definition, Types and Examples
  3. Pronoun: Definition, Types and Examples
  4. Adjective: Definition, Types and Examples
  5. Verb: Definition, Types and Examples
  6. Adverb: Definition, Types and Examples
  7. Preposition: Definition, Types and Examples
  8. Interjection: Definition, Types and Examples
  9. Conjunction: Definition, Types and Examples
  10. Article: Definition, Types and Examples

Parts of Speech Definition, Types and Examples
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