Galvano Static Charge-Discharge (GCD)

Galvano static Charge-Discharge (GCD):

An electrode is kept at a constant current in an electrolyte using a process known as Galvanostatic. The capacity of the device can be determined, along with other performance parameters like the energy efficiency and rate capability, by measuring the voltage and current during both the charge and discharge phases. 

The electrochemical technique known as Galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) is used to examine the energy conversion and storage capabilities of electrochemical devices like batteries and capacitors. A device's performance can be evaluated under a variety of circumstances, such as variable current densities or charge/discharge rates, by repeatedly performing the charge and discharge cycles. The procedure involves recording the current and voltage, and the curves that are produced reveal details about the device's capacity, energy density, power density, and other characteristics (Kaus, 2010 #43).

It is important to choose an appropriate current level that can provide consistency and comparability of GCD data. In GCD studies, a constant current charge is applied to the device initially until a specific voltage or current limit is reached. Same continuous current. To investigate the device's cyclic stability, the procedure might be carried out many than once. The performance of batteries and Supercapacitors is frequently assessed using GCD, which can deliver crucial details about the device's charging and discharging behavior, including the charge/discharge duration, voltage

In GCD, the electrochemical system is subjected to a continuous current that either charges or discharges it. Galvanostatic Charge-Discharge (GCD) involves the application of a constant current to an electrochemical system, which causes the system to either charge or discharge (De Levie, 1964). The mechanism captures electrical energy as it is charging and stores it as chemical energy. Anode and cathode, which are normally separated by an electrolyte solution, make up the electrochemical system (T. Liu, Pell, & Conway, 1997) .

It is most important and conventional technique used to test different performance of electrochemical devices and cyclic life of devices. GCD can also be used to check the stability of materials by charging and discharging at constant current in fixed potential window. In GCD like cyclic voltammetry potential are same and measure the charge discharge time (Nam, Kim, & Kim, 2007). Charge and discharge cycle is continuing at same value of current and reach at specific value of voltage. GCD is an effective method for assessing the performance of energy storage systems under various circumstances and for contrasting the performance of various systems (Andreas, Black, & Oickle, 2014) .

Galvano Static Charge-Discharge (GCD)

Figure 3.10 Galvanostatic charge-discharges of nonporous Supercapacitors

The capacitance (C) is written as.


―V‖ is the voltage and ―Q‖ is the charge. GCD experimental steps are as follow.

During experiment the value of current charge and discharge remain constant. Rest the potential at open circuit potential. GCD discharge consists of four steps.

  1. Constant power
  2. Constant current
  3. Constant capacitance rate
  4. Constant load

GCD charging takes under constant current and constant capacitance rate mode can be conducted under single charge tests. y. It is a useful tool for understanding the underlying electrochemical processes involved and for optimizing the design and performance of electrochemical devices. The charge and discharge current during Galvanostatic cycling of batteries are frequently stated as a C-rate, which is determined by the battery capacity. A measurement of the rate is the C-rate. It is a valuable

tool for comparing the performance of various devices or materials, as well as for evaluating how well these devices function under a variety of operating situations (M. A. Davis & H. A.

XRD pattern of ZnS nanostructure:

XRD stands for X-ray diffraction which is an experimental technique that measures the diffraction pattern produced when X-rays diffracted from sample when X-rays fall on crystalline sample.

The pattern obtained from scattered X-rays provides information about position of atoms, bond lengths, angle, symmetry of crystal and crustal structure. This information is helpful for deterring composition, purity and material phase. XRD is commonly used in material science, chemistry, mineralogy and physics (Liang, Xu, & Hark, 2010) .

The XRD pattern is obtained from 20º to 80º by using 2Ө limit. The material on various substrates was characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was unfortunate that only the peaks associated with the substrates could be found. Al atom doping concentration creates disorder in the lattice of ZnS. As we increase the concentration of dopant Al the defects reported in ZnS is Schottky and in Zn Frenkel defect. The absence of any unexplained peaks indicates the material's purity.

Figure 4.1 shows the XRD plot of ZnS doped with Al with various applied potential. In this process we used nickel foam as a substrate. ZnS is confirmed by strong intensities and sharp peak is found at approximately 28.63 degree with reflection plane of (111) as compared to other peaks. All diffracted peaks show that the sample is Hexagonal and results are matched with JPCDS Card no. 05-0566. While others peaks corresponding to angle 2𝜃 are (220), (311), (400) and (311) and found on graph are reduced. Our sample is not completely matched with peaks of Zn because other peaks are founded due sample doped with Al. As we increase the doping concentration of Al the diffraction peaks shift towards higher diffraction angle. The d- spacing values obtained from XRD pattern for peaks (111) and (220) observed for ZnS identified by using JPCDS card. The both potential (-0.5v, -0.4) used for enhanced the peaks results.

Al doped ZnS shows satisfied results with pureed form of sample as reported in literature. It is found that the ionic radius of host Zn ion is smaller as compared to dopant that’s why the value of lattice constant slightly decreased. The average size of nanocrystalline of prominent peaks (111) calculated from full width at half maximum (FWHM) by using Scherer formula. The broadening of diffraction peaks seen in X- ray diffraction (XRD) patterns can be related to the size of crystalline domains in a material using the Debye-Scherer formula, which is an equation. We calculate crystalline size of ZnS nanostructure of reference plane (111) by using Debye-Scherer formula.

D = 0.94λ/βcosɵ

Here D represents crystalline size, ɵ represent Bragg diffraction angle of the peak (111), λ represent X-ray wavelength.

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