Fuel Cell Definition: Types of Fuel Cells

Fuel Cell Definition: Types of Fuel Cells:

  1. Methanol Fuel Cell
  2. Alkaline Fuel Cell
  3. Melton Carbonates Fuel Cell
  4. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell

These cells were invented by Sir William Grove in 1939, but first commercial full cell invented by ―Francis Thomas bacon in 1932‖ (Onsman, 2012). Initially fuel cell gets more attention due to good efficacy as compared to other technologies. In the fuel cell, a pair of redox reactions are used to convert chemical energy into electricity.(Liebhafsky & Cairns, 1968).

In 19th century direct coal fuel cells are invented, these fuel cells are not successful due to many problems like, oxidation, ash formation etc. Sir Francis Bacon started his work on fuel cell in 1933, he also agreed with the old work on fuel cell. In the history of fuel cell the work of Sir Francis Bacon considered historical. He devolved hydrogen, oxygen fuel cell, which is operated at moderate temperature. 

He used alkaline electrolyte and improve catalyst and get high power density. In these cells he used porous nickel cathode, the performance of these fuel cell rapidly fall down because corrosion of porous nickel cathodes. 

However, this problem was solved after many experiment and used nickel oxide electrode, which were corrosion resistant. After launching of sputnik in 1957 whole world focus on fuel cell, because fuel cells are best option for used in space. Fuel cells are great option for space application due to their unique properties like light weight, high affiance, low cost etc. Fuel cell is an ideal fit for transportation sector due to smaller in size, low environmental impact and more efficient etc. (Kinoshita, 1992). 

This fuel cell have high energy density, fuel storage in the form of liquid, good working at low temperature, simple structure and environment friendly (Fant et al., 2020).

Types of Fuel Cell:

There are many types of fuel cells differentiate on the base of their materials and characteristics few important types of fuel cells are discussed below.

Methanol Fuel Cell:

Recently direct methanol fuel cell attracted much attention as an alternative of Li-ion batteries for portable applications. The portable device increase day by day also needs of energy increase for these devices; batteries are insufficient to handle this requirement. The most important benefit of fuel also over batteries is it produces electorally as long as fuel provides. In methanol fuel cells consists of an electrolyte membrane.

Fuel Cell: Types of Fuel Cells

Figure 1.6 Schematic diagram of fuel cell

Alkaline Fuel Cell:

This cell was most popular for space purpose and also used in Apollo space program. This fuel cell is also called hydrogen oxygen fuel cell. This cell used two electrodes catalyst and electrolyte .These fuel cell operates at moderate temperature therefore need of catalyst for their operation commonly used catalyst platinum. This fuel cell has high electrical efficiency, simple structure, and suitable for distance operation use. (Matera, Baglio, & Arico, 2011).

Melton Carbonates Fuel Cell:

This fuel cell is first time use in middle of twenty century. All other carbon fuel cells produce carbon dioxide during their oxidation but these fuel cell produce less quantity carbon dioxide. The efficiency of these fuel cells increases up to 70% by using different fuels with Melton carbonates and operate at more than 600 C temperatures. These fuel cell operate at high temperature make it more attractive prevent reaction of carbon monoxide with electrodes (Lamy, Léger, & Srinivasan, 2002).

Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell:

This fuel has unique properties like stability, good performance, low cost that’s these cells first commercialized and mostly used for early applications. These fuel cells mostly used for high power vehicles, and high power generators. In Last three decades the phosphoric acid fuel cell technology improved and availability of this cell are excess in market.

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