Cyclic voltammetry (CV)

Cyclic voltammetry (CV)

This technique is extremely popular in chemical research because it can provide useful information about redox reactions provide fast information about electrochemical reaction and catalysts. Different scan rates are used to examine the CV curve Al doped ZnS the oxidation and reduction peaks are clearly shown in below figure.

CV curves are most important for energy storage devices specially Supercapacitors. Now we explain importance of these devices as follows.  The redox potential, electron transfer kinetics, and stability of a material, as well as other electrochemical properties, are all shown by CV curves. Using this knowledge, electrochemical systems such as batteries, fuel cells, and sensors can be designed and optimized. The configuration and positioning of the CV peaks can shed light on the electrochemical process's reaction mechanism and intermediates. By using this knowledge, reaction conditions can be improved, and the reaction's selectivity and efficiency can both be raised (J. Zhang & Braunstein, 2006).

The characteristics of electrode surfaces, such as their reactivity, stability, and adsorption behavior, can be investigated using CV curves. Designing and improving electrode materials for diverse electrochemical applications requires the use of this information. The electrochemical characteristics of a variety of materials, including inorganic substances, organic molecules, and biological systems, can be described using CV curves. The creation of novel materials with customized electrochemical characteristics for particular purposes depends on this information (Yan Wang, Allouache, & Joubert, 2021).

The CV curve normally has two peaks: a cathodic peak for reduction reactions and an anodic peak for oxidation reactions. Peak positioning and shape reveal details about the species' and its mechanism's redox behavior. The maximum current value recorded at the peak is known as the peak current (ip). It is influenced by the amount of the electroactive species present, the size of the electrode, and the rate of electron transfer (Ye Li et al., 2017).

The potential value at which the highest current occurs is known as the peak potential (Ep). It has to do with the species' redox potential, the speed of electron transfer, and the composition of the electrode material. The potential difference between the anodic and cathodic peaks is known as the peak separation (E). The reversibility of the redox reaction and the kinetics of the electron transfer mechanism are both covered. The background current, which is the current that is present when there are no electroactive species present, is mostly caused by the capacitive current, which results Real-time electrochemical process monitoring using CV can provide valuable insights into the kinetics and mechanisms of reactions. This knowledge is essential for enhancing the environment for reactions and raising the effectiveness of electrochemical processes. (Sarma, Ray, & Misra, 2015)

When we increase scan rate anode peaks raise and fall in cathodic peaks current densities are derived, which shows fast redox reaction with low resistance. When scanning rate is more than before and redox peaks shifts which shows due to internal resistance of internal diffusion and increasing polarization. Increasing scan rate produce perfectly shapes of redox peaks which indicates during cycling process polarization reduced. These peaks show superior capability of ZnS nanoparticles. ZnS capacitance performance tests by GCD and CV. In order to study the redox behavior, CV measurements were carried out within a potential window between 0.0 and 1.0 V at scanning rates between 10 and 80 mV/ s. This revealed the typical characteristics of uniform ZnS nanosheets. Below figure shows examine of CV curves at different scan rates of Al doped ZnS. In figure we observe clearly oxidation and reduction peaks. The cathodic peaks current densities fall and raise anodic peaks current densities when we increase scan rate it was observed at low resistance and fast redox reaction. Increasing scan rate shows clear shapes of redox peaks. We obtained different curves at different scanning rates. From above it is clear that we used fixed value of optional o.7 V and using different values of scanning rates 10 mV/s, 20 mV/s, 30 mV/s, 40mV/s, 50mV/s and 70 mV/s. In below graph the values of current are not fixed but minor change in current taken with respect scan rate. As we increase scan rate the value of current decrease.

Cyclic voltammetry (CV)

Figure 4.5 The cyclic voltammetry graph

Redox peaks' shapes are kept in good form when scan rates increase, demonstrating ZnS nanosheets' better rate capacity. The reversible faradic reactions are completely explained by the non-rectangular CV curves, which also show the electrode's pseudocapacitive nature

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